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Steroids for Testing - Steroids for Research

For over 60 years, we've supplied the finest research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and law enforcement agencies with over 2,700 different estrogens, bileacids, significant metabolites of androgens, cholestins, progestins, hormones, which are synthesized for and to purified standards for purposes of research. We also offer Custom Syntheses

Synthetic or Endogenous Steroids for Research, Testing and Synthesis.

Renowned Internationally.


Thousands of steroids of research standards and starting materials from Aldosterone to Zymosterol.
All of our orders are individualized. We offer bulk orders to customized syntheses and everything inbetween.

Licensed in the U.S.A. by the DEA.

Steraloids Quote of the Week: “If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.” - Judith Martin