5β-PREGNAN-3β, 11β, 17, 20β, 21-PENTOL


5β-PREGNAN-3β, 11β, 17, 20β, 21-PENTOL


Catalogue ID P8620-000


CH Groups C21 H36

Deuterated? No

Formula C21 H36 O5

Light Sensitive? No

Melting Point 244-246˚C

Min. Quantity (grams) 0.005

Molecular Weight 368.51

Refrigerate? No

Restricted Compound? No

Rotation +21.9˚ MeOH

TLC Homogeneous

Type Progesterone Type

Trivial Name EPI-β-CORTOL

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5β-PREGNAN-3β, 11β, 17, 20β, 21-PENTOL from Steraloids. For over 60 years, we've supplied the finest research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and law enforcement agencies with over 2,700 different androgens, estrogens, cholestins, progestins, bileacids, hormones, and metabolites synthesized to purified standards for purposes of research.

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